路由# 321076470

如何 提高信用?


Improving poor credit can be a long and arduous process. If you have struggled through a period of financial difficulty, 甚至申请破产, your ability to obtain credit may be compromised long after you have gotten back on your feet. While it may not be easy, there are steps you can take to improve your credit. Take a look at the suggestions below, and feel free to contact 平衡 for additional suggestions – 平衡 advice is complimentary for Patelco members.

检查你的 信用评分和纠正任何错误

你知道你的信用评分吗? 学习 如何查看你的信用评分 by obtaining a copy of your credit report and understanding what it means.

Once you obtain a copy of your credit report, check it carefully for errors. Make certain that all the information contained in your credit report is correct. 如果不是,请确保纠正错误. Erroneous information only adds confusion, regardless of whether it is derogatory or not.

When trying to negotiate with a creditor, be persistent. If you don’t get the answer you want, politely call back or ask to speak to a supervisor. Keep trying until you get someone’s attention, then get your agreement in writing.”

添加 良好的信用信息 到你的档案中

By adding positive account information to your credit report, 你可以减轻贬损信用的影响. There is no law that requires creditors to report information to a credit bureau. Accordingly, you may have several good credit accounts that do not appear on your credit report. You can contact creditors with whom you have a good credit relationship, 告诉他们信用局会联系他们, and give them permission to release your account information. Next, contact the credit bureau directly to provide the name and telephone numbers of your creditors. 收取少量费用, most credit bureaus will agree to call any creditor you specify and add their account information 到你的档案中.

The credit bureaus are not required to perform this service. 然而, the Federal Trade Commission has encouraged them to do so, especially where a report has resulted in an adverse action against a consumer.

直接去找债权人 清理你的信用记录

If your poor credit resulted from circumstances that were beyond your control, and you have reconciled your account since that time, then you may be able to convince your creditor to upgrade your rating out of a sense of customer loyalty. 如果你住院了, 下岗, 或遭受其他不可预见的损失, 把你的情况告诉债主. Explain the hardships you have endured and remind the creditor that your account is now current.

如果你有坏账, you may be able to negotiate away poor credit by agreeing to pay your debts off over time. 联系 creditor and propose a deal in which you will agree to a reasonable repayment schedule if the creditor agrees to upgrade your status with the credit bureau. 如果债权人已经注销了你的债务, 或者可能会注销你的债务, 中国可能愿意倾听. Most creditors would rather get paid late than not at all. You may be able to work out a deal where you make periodic partial payments and the creditor makes periodic improvements in the information it provides to your credit bureau.

When trying to negotiate with a creditor, be persistent. If you don’t get the answer you want when talking to one customer service representative, politely call back or ask to speak to a supervisor. Keep trying until you get someone’s attention, then get your agreement in writing.

添加一个 你的信用报告的对账单 描述你的故事

You have a right to include a 100-word 你的信用报告的对账单 to tell your side of the story. Write your credit bureau a letter and include your identifying information. Ask the bureau to include your 100-word consumer statement in your credit file. 把你的账单和这封信一起寄出去. (You may need to do this with all three major bureaus.)

如果可能的话,尽量短于100字. 信越简洁越好. 陈述事实. Perhaps you were hospitalized for a period of time and were 无力支付账单. Or maybe you were 下岗 and suddenly left without a job. If your credit history shows that you typically pay your bills, such a statement can explain away an isolated instance or period of derogatory credit.

等你的 信贷问题

除了少数例外, derogatory credit information will be purged from your credit record within seven years. 你可以等这段时间过去,然后重新开始. 然而, in most cases you shouldn’t have to wait that long to obtain new credit. The key is to avoid incurring any more derogatory credit. Every time you do, the seven-year clock gets reset and starts ticking again.

If you can show income stability and prompt payment patterns going forward, your situation will improve within one to three years. 即使你已经申请破产, you are likely to be offered charge cards and credit cards within a year or two if you have a steady income.

联系 消费者金融保护局 获取更多帮助

If at any time during the process to repair your poor credit you feel that your credit reporting rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the 消费者金融保护局. 访问 consumerfinance.政府 了解更多信息.


Source(s) consulted: Broadridge Financial Solutions, 平衡.

